Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Gwynn has the cutest tougue in the entire world.

It is really long and pointy. She sticks it out when she is happy. We have seen it a lot today. Every hour has made small changes in her, she is becoming less serious and a lot more comfortable with us. I can only imagine what a crazy woman she will be by the time we get her home. We got instructions from the orphanage director to feed her formula with rice cereal four times a day and NOT to feed her any solid food. We tried to give her cheerio’s and bananas and I swear it seemed like she has never had solid food in her mouth.

We bought her the first pair of Squeaky shoes and I am so tempted to buy Kristine Chu a pair just because she told me not to, hee hee. We go out to a big shopping mall tomorrow and I know we will be doing some serious shopping!!!

Oh yea, I almost forgot. We are official today. This morning we went to the Civil Affairs Office again and filled out the paper work. We promised never to abandon or abuse her and that we were happy with her, so now in the eyes of China she is ours!!!! What a great feeling.

1 comment:

Sam said...


She is sooooo sweet!!! Enjoy every minute!
